Saturday, February 21, 2009

4 Interesting Articles I Came Across

  1. Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Porn Industry
  2. 13 Worst Ad Placements
  3. Common Factors Between Christian Bale and Kermit The Frog
  4. Maxim's Top 100 Hotties of 2009

3 Wolverine TV Spots

Trailer for the Wolverine TV Spots have gone on air.... No clue what it contains cuz I am posting before I am checking.. Lemme know what u guys think....

Trailer for the TV Spots

TV Spot 1 - Outcasts

TV Spot 2 - Brothers

TV Spot 3 - Legends

Call me a skeptic but I really think this movie will bomb...

2nd Transformers Trailer Rocks!!

In the 80s this guy would have been a cult B Film Maker, In the 70s he would have made the best spaghetti westerns.. However in the 90s he met the king of summer blockbuster land Jerry Bruckheimer and the twisted genius turned senile Steven Spielberg...............Ladies and Gentlemen I give you .............The one man who can make a movie fun with absolutely no storyline whatsoever.. Michael "I am the best at blowing stuff up" Bay....

First Look At Inglorious Basterds!!

K... Some important clearing up... This is not a remake of the original... Just the concept was so damn cool of a bunch of Americans just going gung ho in Nazi-land that Tarantino could not resist.. This as would be obvious is his warped rendition of it....(droool)....

This is as much a spaghetti western as a war film so please oh please don't for once consider the possibility of Tarantino creating a serious war drama... For thats one thing this one aint!!

Additionally... Tarantino 'humongously' respects Enzo Castellari contrary to whatever the fuck you may have heard... And now for the juicy stuff .... I give you:

  • Trailer of Inglorious Basterds
  • Trailer of the original Inglorious Bastards
  • Tarantino speaking to Enzo and finally just something I found online
  • Tarantino ripping a journalist apart

Inglorious Basterds

The Inglorious Bastards

Tarantino and Castellari

Tarantino takes Fat Journalist Apart

You have so not seen war if its not through Tarantino' eyes!!! I LOVE ME SCALPS!!!
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