Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wolverine, Dragon Ball Z and Terminator Salvation

here in High Res.... Oh and BTW Christian bale is John Connor... is also the man starring with Johnny Depp in his next...'nuff said

X Men Origins: Wolverine

Snikt??? Aye Aye Captain!! Look like we are all set for the best or the worst flick next summer....Ooh ooh oooh... Did I mention we have Gambit too.... How geek-o-logically cool is that...

Dragon ball Evolution

Definitely a flop..... This inspite of the fact that I am a huge fan!! Why.. cuz Justin Chatwin is Goku.. thats why... no Vegeta (did I spell that right). Only saving grace.... Chow Yun Fat as Roshi... Hope I end up eating my words.. cuz the sequel will soooo kick ass with vegeta in it....

Terminator: Salvation

The only guaranteed blockbuster of next year... Hu - Y u ask??? Well 3 reasons - "Christian Uber-Awesome Bale" thats why!!! Reportedly he has said that Salvation will do for Terminaor what Begins did for the Batman franchise.

Didja know that:

Director McG asked his actors to read the novel 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy, because he wanted them to absorb the bleakness of the world in the novel

For those who came in late (source: Wikipedia) The Road is a post-apocalyptic tale describing a journey taken by a father and his young son over a period of several months, across a landscape blasted years before by an unnamed cataclysm that destroyed civilization and, apparently, most life on earth.

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